Sunday, 1 March 2015

Zombie Morio Land Character concepts

Zombie Morio Land Character concepts


Princess Apple 


Zombie Zorio and Zomroom


The character designs are based off Super mario bros
I have tried my best to not be based off it too much
Coming up soon will be the mood board and the script
there will also be an explaination with 
in-depth information about the character design

Zombie Morio Land Script

Zombie Morio Land



The animation starts off with the main menu. The title ZOMBIE MORIO LAND and three selections subtitles START, LOAD and QUIT appear in front of the background. While at the same time creepy ghostly music plays in the background. As the START is being selected camera pans to the entrance of the mansion,with ZORIO walking happily towards it,not aware where he is. Scene fades out.

                                                                                                                            QUICK FADE IN TO


ZORIO enters the main entrance where a large painting of the previous owner of the mansion hangs on the wall with chandeliers dandling above him. As ZORIO looks up at the ceiling a ghost flies around the chandelier being cheeky with it until it falls down. ZORIO dodges the chandelier as it falls down, the ceiling start to jerk and that made him look up at it again. The ceiling drops down fast before it slows down just as ZORIO runs to the hole and slides down into it.

                                                                                                                                                CUTS TO


ZORIO arrives at the basement where a poisonous ZOMROOM is blocking his way to the next and final room. He has to find a way out of there alive and to do that he got poisoned himself and turns into a zombie. Before ZORIO goes towards the next room,he has to heal himself with an antidote. With some luck he was able to find one in a box with a exclamation mark on it and he was cured. Scene fades out.

                                                                                                                            QUICK FADE IN TO


ZORIO arrives at a cell in the basement where there is no one there,until ZRAGON THE DRAGON comes into the cell with PRINCESS APPLE he is about to save. He defeats ZRAGON by jumping onto him instantly killing him,before he saves the princess. PRINCESS APPLE is pleased that he has saved her as he kisses her on her hand but she didn't know that he is one of ZRAGON's infected zombies and he eat her up in the end. Scene ends by fading to black with credits

                                                                       THE END

Zombie Morio Land Mood board

Zombie Morio Land Mood board

Character Mood Board

Environment Mood Board

These are just mood boards of character designs 
and environment of what Zombie Morio Land is going to be about.
A mood board is simply a collection of images 
that helps give a feeling of what the project is about

Zombie Morio Land Character List

Zombie Morio Character List 

1. Zorio 
A hero who is brave and hard working on the outside 
but on the inside he is calm, cool and cautious

2. Princess Apple
A princess who is sour and mean on the outside
but on the inside she is a sweet and well mannered princess

3. Zragon
His goal is to become the king of Zombie Land, defeat Morio 
and eat all brains the world have to offer. 
He is smart and good looking on the outside
but on the inside he is just a stupid dragon

4. Zomroom
They are a type of poisonous zombie mushrooms that can be found
bouncing in the mansion hallway. 
Just one touch they will poison their target and 
turns them into zombies so avoid them at all cost

5. Ghosts
The lost souls that wander through the mansion.
They were once humans but somehow become Zragon's 
midnight snack 

These are just some characters that can be seen throughout 
the first level of Zombie Morio Land.