Wednesday, 21 October 2015

individual specialist project #173 - individual specialist project part 56

This is my 52nd blogspot post for our individual specialist project.
Continued from where I had left off ...

Yesterday (October 21st 2015) I started on my refinements for the option menu
with the character selection screen fading behind it like so ....
it took me a whole school day to finish it all up.

Later that day I work on the rough mockup for the 
RPG battle mode

I also started on the rough character chess piece for cao wei ...

as well and finished it.

Today (October 22nd 2015)  I did another rough character chess piece, 
this time for Bei shu and managed to finish that off.

My plan for the rest of today is to work on the 
rough mockup for the RPG battle mode.
Other than that there's supposed to be 
2 more mockups left
rather than I have four more left to do.

Coming up soon ...
will be the refinements of the other 2 mockups:
- The RPG battle mode
- chinese chess board battle mode

To be continued