Thursday, 5 November 2015

individual specialist project #182 - individual specialist project part 65

This is my 61st blogspot post for our individual specialist project.

Continued from where I had left off ...

Today (November 6th 2015) 
I continued working on my 1st animation
for the pitch video trailer, the RPG battle mode 
and finally finished with it.

This is what I have been working on ...
(colours are off.)

and this is what I am currently working on ....
(it's going to be animated soon)

Animation wise, on the RPG battle mode
it would be good if I can do more animations on it.
Epesically on the other character Liu Bei, 
on how he will attack and what his interface look
would be like. I would like to work on the health bars 
and animate that just as he get hurt from Cao cao's sword.
For now animation wise, it's very limited with some inbetweens,
breaks and keys. It's best if I just forcus on not too make it look to flowly
or else it'll take me a long time to finish it.

Coming up soon ...
will be the animation of the chess battle mode
and the compling of the two shots together 
into one scene.