Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Project Deity Academy Blog #54

This is my 28th blog post about Deity Academy, my first ever group project. Today (May 13th  2015) I did more work on Shot 01 of scene 04, where Centeotl is clicking his pen annoying Ares, where I did some key drawings of Centeotl whisper-talk to Ares saying "Shh ~ I'd love to chat buddy, but this is a test." And so far this is what I have done ...

I had some trouble with one of this key where I had drawn Centeotl hand like a rubber hose ...

and my director told me to redo it and in the end this is what it had become ...

Currently Bryn is also working on the timing chart of this shot so I can do some more inbetweening soon this week.
Today I had also started on doing some clean-up as well where a scared Centeotl pops up into view about to cry with a shadow of ares looking over him and so far that's in progress. I will be able to show off work of that later tomorrow or so.

And this is what I have been working on for today.
Plan for the rest of the day:
- save some energy for tomorrow set of work
Please look forward to the next blog post.

Project Deity Academy Blog #53

This is my 27th blog post about Deity Academy, my first ever group project. Today (May 12th  2015) I didn't do more work on Shot 01 of scene 04, where Centeotl is clicking his pen annoying Ares because Bryn (my director) has given me another shot to do as I wait for Leigh (Head producer) to finish her bit in the shot. Today I have been working on Shot 11 of scene 05. where Ares is breathing heavily with Anubis and Nezha looking scared back at him, in this snapshot below...

I was told to do the inbetweens for this shot from using these key drawings below...

I was told to work on Ares only because Nezha and Anubis has already been keyed and inbwteened by Bryn himself.

And this is what I have been working on for today.
Plan for the rest of the day:
- save some energy for tomorrow set of work
Please look forward to the next blog post.