Sunday, 19 July 2015

Project Deity Academy Blog #102

This is my 74th blog post about Deity Academy, my first ever group project. Today (July 20th 2015)
I begin my next background for Scene 05 shot 05, where Ares lies on the ground being sad that Centeotl has "stole" his friends. Which is this ...

This is just a snapshot of the final version.
The progress for the background took a bit longer to do, especially that I had trouble with the background to which this "temple"

was not supposed to be the "temple" in the background but the "school" instead.
Preview of the final outcome (the colours are a bit off)
Also I worked on Scene 05 shot 03, where Ares lies on the ground with a dizzy feeling in his head.
Which is this ...
Preview of the final outcome (the colours are a bit off)
Basically from that shot I just copied the background from Scene 05 shot 05
And lastly I worked on Scene 05 shot 01, where the bell (horrace) rings for lunchtime.
Which is this ...

I had trouble with the background colour for this shot. I tried using a purple colour but that wasn't it.
Until kelly pointed out that Bryn want this colour

from scene 01 shot 01

Preview of the final outcome (the colours are a bit off)

                                         Coming up soon will be a new scene and shot.
Plan for the rest of the day:
- Save some energy for tomorrow set of work
Please look forward to the next blog post.