The logline (a short one sentence summary) of the project is about different gods from different religions/cultures attend the same school. And so far I have completed Nezha's concept art and colour test.
Nezha's concept designs
Nezha's colour tests
The final design of Nezha hasn't been decided yet. So I have the weekend to play around (get used to) with the stylised version of nezha putting him in different poses and expression but not on model because I'll be needing some help from my director with that.
Things to do for the coming weekend
(if there's enough time to do it all. I doubt there will be time my hands to do all of this. That's because I have a sleepover planned for this weekend)
1. do some expression design of Nezha using the concept design
in the stylised version
2. do some poses of Nezha using the concept design
in the stylised version
3. start thinking about other background gods that can be added to the project.
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